Historic milestones of Nasser's visit to Yemen: anger at Sheikhs Sana'a Ring , boy who won arts scholarship in Egypt
English - Thursday 25 July 2019 الساعة 05:08 pm
While the Yemeni President Abdullah al-Sallal saluted tribal masses coming from Sana'a and neighboring regions accompanied by the leader Jamal AbdelNasser. The groups shouted, " with our soul and our blood, we sacrifice ourselves for Yemen, then the leader Jamal Abdulnasser whisper in ear of al-Sallal " Oh Abdullah, there is no fear about the Republic in the light of this huge masses of Revolution's supporters "
Al-Sallal interrupted Jamal's speech and al-Sallal said " with our soul and our blood, we sacrifice ourselves for Imam", the tribes repeated after him in a one voice " with our soul and our blood, we sacrifice ourselves for Imam", then Jamal Abdulnasser took umbrage at hearing about their voices
An officer who was accompanying the Egyptian President Jamal Abdulnaser narrated in his memos that al-Sallal organized a special meeting to meet Sana'a Sheikhs, one of the Sheikh spoke on behalf of the crowd and said " Imam al-Bader gives his supporters a lot of money, we are with the Republic, will you give us money as much as al-Bader gives, otherwise we will support and stay with them { with al-Bader supporters}
Nasser turned to al-Sallal and interrupted " Oh Abdullah, you bring us Yemen's sheikhs or beggars"?!
Major General Sa'ad al-Din al-Shadhli, the commander of the Egyptian forces in Yemen, said in his memos that the worst thing they had suffered was that the tribes' fluctuations who were Republicans in the day and at night Royalists
A story was narrated by one of his battalions " while one of battalions was walking in a mountainous area, one day live bullets kill a person after another, they do not know the source of the bullets, after a long time, and after more than twenty people have been killed, it was discovered by the battalion's reconnaissance that a good sniper hidden himself in a dead camel, sniping people with bullets, surprisingly how could this man controlled himself for a long time inside the dead body of the camel despite the stinking smell of the dead animal
Witnesses write down the courage of the Egyptian forces during the fighting of the army of Imams in Yemen, that the Egyptian soldiers were fighting the Imam's supporters without barriers and without hiding themselves behind walls or trenches, unlike the other party, the Egyptian army know well the weak experience level of Imams supporters, the Egyptian army did not notice the amount of casualties during the fighting
But the disaster was the Britain's direct support for Imams, which played the role of a mediator and allowed Israel to intervene and to support royalist forces, it is the same Israel that the new Imams wants it to die or chant against it, the Israel Air Force intervened and the Israel forces shelled the Republicans sites; moreover, the Israeli occupation dropped weapons for the royalist force in some areas, according to the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz", which explained the intervention of Britain to support the new imams today that is an extension of the historical cooperation between them were not in the heat of the moment
With all the British - Israeli support of the imams, including the support of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and other neighboring countries to support the Imams against the Republicans and Nasser's army, the wheel of history triumphed and it never pushed its wheels back at all
One of the most beautiful memories of Nasser during his visit to Yemen, according to officers at his office, is that when he visited Taiz province, the area that was the crossing point between the South and the North, there were many Southern revolutionaries against the British Occupation, it is the same area whose youths raced to education in all parts of the North and same parts in the South as a result their connected to Aden
While the leader Nasser delivered a speech before the dignitaries and sheikhs accompanied by the President al-Sallal in Taiz, a Taezi young boy holding a pi
cture came among the Crowd and showed the President Nasser the photo he drew, surprising the President that the boy drew the Nasser's photo, then the President ordered his office to award the boy to a scholarship to study at the Art Institute in Egypt
The boy, (1949- 2019) who became a student, studied, he graduated and he was creative to be known later the Artist Abduljabar Noman. ''He studied arts at the Leonardo College in Cairo with a grant provided by the late Egyptian President Jamal AbdelNasser when he met Noman during the President visit to Yemen in 1964. Noman was a boy at the preparatory stage