Appealing letter to both Parliament Speaker and al-Hammadi Commander
English - Thursday 11 July 2019 الساعة 05:07 pm
In Taiz city, they supported Ghazwan al-Mekhlafi with all the weapons under the name of the security campaign to get rid of Abu Abbas.
Today, in Ma'afer area, they support "Nazih" nicknamed "al-Tahesh or in English translation " The Monster" with all the weapons against Abu al-Abbas as well, under the name of defending the land and the dignity, the all know that the target is al-Hujareyah area.
When the clashes broke out in al-Kalaebah village because of the smuggled cigarettes, the Muslim Brotherhood strengthened "al-Tahesh" militarily and pushed hundreds of young men who brought them from Jabel Habashi, al-Misrakh and old city of Taiz, and considered it a good opportunity to break the Revolutionary vigor in al-Ma'afer district, which it is not subjected to the Brotherhood whether in peace or in war.
Khaled Hassan," the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood wing in al-Kalaebah area shot a Abu al-Abbas's military vehicle with a missile. He pushed a military battalion of the 17th Brigade and the Popular Crowd militias at the entrance of al-Hujareyah.
The Brigade arrested five wanted persons whose name were mentioned in the case of cigarette smuggling. They are currently being held in the brigade's prison.
In this case , civilians and a solider have been killed or injured.
Today, the Muslim Brotherhood left Ghazwan al-Mekhlafi in Taiz city. They went to gather members of the 17th Brigade and members of the Popular Crowd militias calling on them to march tomorrow in al-Bairain area, an area located in Abu al-Abbas area.
Stimulating the conflict and bringing chaos to al-Hujareyah will lead everyone into hell, and this is what the Muslim Brotherhood wants in Taiz.
Hence, we appeal to the Speaker of the Yemeni Parliament Sheikh Sultan Al-Barkani to communicate with dignitaries or Sheikhs in al-Ma'afer district to cooperate with the responsible authorities in the arrest of gangs that provoke sedition and unrest in the district.
We also appeal to Brigadier General Adnan Al-Hammadi, the Commander of the 35th Armored Brigade to arrest "al-Tahesh", and his gang and all those who support him and refer them to the judiciary for all his crimes.