Redeployment Coordination Committee's resumption in al-Hodeida ports stalled
English - Friday 05 July 2019 الساعة 07:35 pm
The United Nations's plan has stalled to resume the work of the Special Committee to oversee the withdrawal from al-Hodeida despite that more than two weeks have passed since the Yemeni government agreed to resume work with the UN envoy to Yemen amid the a UN commitment to correct the imbalances that accompanied the implementation of the first phase of the Stockholm agreement on the withdrawal of the Houthi militias - Iran's arm in Yemen - from the ports of Hodeida.
Yemeni government sources disclosed that the United Nations postponed the proposed date to resume the work of the committee supervising the implementation of the agreement in the middle of this week for unknown reasons.
The UN said that the government side renewed its commitment to correct the mistakes and abuses that accompanied the implementation of the first phase of redeployment, explaining that it is waiting for a meeting with the chief international observer, General Michael Lollesgaard to see how to correct those imbalances and how they will be addressed, so that the Committee could resume its work according to the plan, that is said before, as it was approved by the government party and representatives of the coup militias.
When the Houthis fell in a dilemma, the UN chief observer find out a solution suited to the militias' desires".