Pilot rescues Yemeni Plane from real disaster in Egypt
English - Monday 01 July 2019 الساعة 11:30 am
A captain of the Yemeni Airline Fleet on Sunday was forced to change the flight from Cairo to Aden after a half-hour after taking-off, and returned to land at Cairo International Airport.
A navigational source said to NewsYemen that a technical defect was caused at the plane engine after taking from Cairo Airport, on a scheduled flight to Aden Airport.
The source underscored that the plane's captain succeeded in changing the way of the flight and return it to land at Cairo Airport, amid a state of terror among the passengers.
Yemen Airlines admitted the incident, but claimed that the return of the plane after a half-hour of taking off was to save a woman after her health condition was deteriorated, a NewsYemen source has denied the credibility of the Yemen Airlines source.