بحث متكامل
UAE Red Crescent pledges to cure Sena outside Yemen
The UAE Red Crescent Society pledged to transfer the child Sena Awadh outside Yemen for treatment.
Joint Forces remove mines, explosive devices in al-Hodeida
The Joint Resistance Forces (JRF) launched a massive campaign to cleanse mines, improvised explosive devices, and dirt and cement barriers that were planted by the Houthi militias in al-Hodeida city.
Houthis plant explosives bombs in resort , market in al-Hodeida
The Houthi militias have buried an oil barrel in the vicinity of al-Waha resort in al-Hodeida city, field sources said to Newsyemen.
Houthi student assaults on academic teacher in Sana'a
The academic Houthi student Luai Abdulghani al-Khazan assaulted on a teacher of the Civil Law Department and the Head Control of Level 4 Abdullah Murshed Hasan Mohsen, according to eyewitnesses.
Houthis plant landmines in 73 bridges in 8 districts in al-Hodeida
The Houthi group, the Iranian arm in Yemen, planted landmines in 73 bridges and water flood pipes in a road network in the eight districts in al-Hodeida province, west Yemen.
Former governor of Taiz demands for Hadi who sack him from Taiz office
Hisham al-Sama'i, a secretary of the former governor of Taiz Dr. Amin Mahmoud, said that the governor had put important demands for President Hadi before the decision to sack him from office.
Houthi sniper kills girl while she was grazing her sheep
A girl was killed by a Houthi sniper south al-Hodeida, west Yemen, a day after a child was killed and a girl was critically wounded in Hais district in al-Hodeida.
Houthi militias shell al-Tuhaita district center in al-Hodeida
Violent clashes broke out between the Joint Resistance Forces and the Houthi group late on Tuesday in the vicinity of the coastal district of al-Tuhaita, south al-Hodeida, west Yemen.
Human rights minister sacks human rights office in Mahra over fake report in al-Jazeerah
The Yemen's Human Rights Ministry said that al-Mahra governor Rajeh Bakrit stopped the director of human rights office in al-Mahra Ali bin Afrar in August in 2018.
Three Houthis killed in al-Tuhaita
Three Houthi gunmen were killed in military clashes in a farm in al-Tuhaita district, south al-Hodeida province, a field source said to Newsyemen.
Houthis provide Sultan Zaben with Spy Network Attorney general in Sana’a freezes arrest warrant for Zaben
The Yemeni Organization to Combat Human Trafficking (YOCT) revealed on Tuesday that the Houthi leader who is involved in the kidnapping and hiding dozens of Yemeni women and girls in Sana'a has a modern network to spy on civilians' calls.
Houthi militias push more military reinforcements inside al-Hodeida
The Houthi militias pushed more military reinforcements to the front lines inside al-Hodeida city, a military source of the Joint Resistance Forces said.
Amy liberates strategic sites in Sa’ada
The Army on Tuesday defeated the Houthi militias in the strategic sites in Sa'ada province, the stronghold of the militias in the north part of Yemen.
Abu al-Abbas Battalions storm Daesh's dens in Taiz
The Colonel Abdu Farea Battalions (Abu al-Abbas) of the 35th Armored Brigade on Tuesday controlled new sites of Daesh in Taiz province, a military source said.
Six traders monopolize importing grain in Yemen, Domestic production fell by 130%
Cereal production in Yemen have declined by 130% between 2012 and 2017. Cereal production, including wheat, gradually declined from 250,264 tons to 95,651 tons during the same period, a decline of 16.6% annually.
Houthis fail to break teachers' strike in Capital Sana’a
The Houthi militias failed to break the teachers who are still on strike to teach that coincided with the second term of the academic year 2018/2019.
Houthi minister for dialogue complains militias’ threat
A minister at Houthi government, the Iranian arm in Yemen, blamed a senior leader of the Houthi group any hateful act he or his family may suffer.
Cancer injures 242 people in 2018 in Hadramout
The Director of the National Center for Oncology Therapy Hesham Hadad Ben Sumait warned on Tuesday of increasing cases of cancer in Hadramout province.
Houthis use heavy weapons, missile in al-Hodeida city Houthis continue violating ceasefire
Dozens of Houthi ceasefire violations were recorded in the past 48 hours in a number of areas and neighborhoods in al-Hodeida province.
Bomb kills woman, injures 12 in Taiz
A woman was killed and 12 civilians were wounded in a bomb targeting a dentist's car Tuesday in Taiz province.
Houthi militias kidnap Gen.Dir. at technical office in al-Hodeida
Houthi militias kidnapped on Sunday Marwan Hasan al-Bakali, a director general of personnel affairs at the technical education and vocational training office in al-Hodeida province, west Yemen.
Houthi militias attack Zabeed library, loot historical books
The Houthi militias have stolen ancient manuscripts and books from the historical city of Zabeed in al-Hodeida province.
Hussein Al-Emad admits Houthi torture against women
Hussein al-Emad confirmed the information circulated about the trading operations carried out by the Houthi leaders over abductees' issues, stressing the release of kidnappees in return of money, some cases reach to Y.R 5,000,000.
Three Houthi killed in al-Baida
Three Houthis were killed, including a Houthi leader, and others were injured in clashes with the Army in Qaneyah front in al-Baida province, central Yemen.
Solider kills officer in Taiz
Officer was killed and a soldier was wounded Monday dawn by a solider shot in Taiz city, central Yemen, a security source said to Newsyemen.
UAE food, shelter aid for 105 families in Lahj
The UAE Red Crescent Society sent a shipment of relief and shelter aid to residents of al-Madharebah and Ras al-Ara areas on the coastal strip west of Lahj province.
Displaced to Legitimacy reveal new major scandal United Nations reveals our families to Houthi authorities
Local humanitarian and relief organizations have revealed that the names of displaced families in the Legitimate areas have been leaked to the Houthi group, the Iranian arm in Sana'a, after they have been referred to international organizations.
Houthi militia circulates lists of wanted men in al-Hodeida including, five women
The Houthi militia circulated lists of wanted men at its checkpoints, security sources in the western province of al-Hodeida told Newsyemen.
Houthis forcibly seize two houses in Dhamar
The Houthi militias on Sunday stormed two houses in the downtown Dhamar, looted their contents, and seized them after the militias expelled their residents.
UAE Red Crescent: rehab, furnish schools, health center in Mocha, Mawza'a, al-Hodeida
The UAE Red Crescent Society recently opened al-Etehad Primary and Secondary School (Boys) in Mawza'a district in Taiz province.
تحليل: فروق إضافية تكشفها كوارث المناخ بين سلطة الدولة وسلطة المليشيا
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كامل الخوداني
لن نستعيد اليمن بالصغار والأحقاد
نشوان العثماني
قوى السلاليين وحصار المناطق السنية
سوسن الشاعر
«آه لقيت الدغدغة»
رأس اجتماعًا للمكتب التنفيذي بالمحافظة.. طارق صالح يؤكد دعم المعلمين وتنمية محافظة تعز
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حان وقت المغادرة .. قيادات المليشيا تستعد للانتقال من مسقط الى طهران