Houthi militia circulates lists of wanted men in al-Hodeida including, five women
English - Tuesday 22 January 2019 الساعة 05:39 pm
The Houthi militia circulated lists of wanted men at its checkpoints, security sources in the western province of al-Hodeida told Newsyemen.
A security source said that the Houthi militia circulated through the so-called the Preventive Security System lists names at the checkpoints in both Bab al-Naqa, al-Sham checkpoint, al-Jarrahi, Bait al-Faqih district in al-Hodeida.
The sources said that the Houthi lists include dozens of names, including five women as well as traders, teachers, lawyers and staff in banks and a number of staff at al-Hodeida main office headquarter, the Red Sea Ports Organization and the heads of neighborhoods in al-Hodeida city.
Source said that sixty-one employees and workers at Thabit Brothers Group among the Houthi wanted lists, confirming that 189 people are wanted in the lists circulated at the militia checkpoints
He said that the Houthi militia stopped the buses for hours during which they examined the passengers' luggage and checked their bags.
They also detained the suspects and returned them blindfolded to the city on buses belonging to the Preventive Security to be investigated them in the central prison.
A source confirmed to Newsyemen that the militia Houthi detained 24 people, including 5 women because of the similarities between the names, and some names listed on the Houthi lists and transferred them to the central prison.