Cancer injures 242 people in 2018 in Hadramout
English - Tuesday 22 January 2019 الساعة 09:40 pm
The Director of the National Center for Oncology Therapy Hesham Hadad Ben Sumait warned on Tuesday of increasing cases of cancer in Hadramout province.
He stressed the importance to conduct research studies over the cancer that is spreading abnormally.
Ben Sumait said in a special statement to Newsyemen that the center received 242 cases of cancer in 2018, while the total number of people who visited the center and who received medical treatment in the same year 22,069 cases, 8.329 males’ cases and 13,740 females’ cases.
The center director said that the total cases of cancerous in 2017 in the Valley and Desert areas reached 238 cases, while patient who visited the center from time to another reached 17,437 of which 5,812 males’ cases and 11.252 females’ cases.
He pointed out that the National Center for Oncology Therapy in Hadramout Valley and Desert is doing its best to provide treatment services despite its limited potential, which has been reflected positively in reducing the mortality rate of the cancer patients who take chemotherapy at the center from 12% in 2017 to 4% 2018.
He called on the government to quickly adopt an operational budget for the health center, provide specialized staff, approve salaries for employees working at the center, and absorb them in rehab courses held inside and outside Yemen, as well as provide the necessary medical and diagnostic equipment so as to provide them free for cancers’ patients.