European Eye on Radicalization site decrypts secret code of Qatari support for Yemen's Brotherhood
English - Monday 05 August 2019 الساعة 04:42 pm
Qatar has tried to strengthen its regional role after the outbreak of the Arab Spring by supporting Muslim Brotherhood branches in several countries that have witnessed revolutions," said a report published by the European Eye on Radicalization website. "There are many indications that this approach extends to Yemen
The report, prepared by Dr. Shady Abdel Wahab, said that Qatar is trying to exploit the Islah party to achieve its goals in Yemen. "It would not be surprising to believe that Doha is engaged even with more extreme forces in an effort to strengthen its influence in society and the State in Yemen
It said that Doha supports the Islah party in Yemen, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, pointing out that this intervention aims to establish a military wing of the group; it will strengthen the ability of the Islah party to extend its influence to the State hegemony: politically, militarily and security
As for the political objectives that Doha holds behind supporting the Islah Party the report underlined that It is important to understand that any relationship between Qatar and the Islah Party must be seen within the long-term support policies of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists in different conflict areas In the Middle East
There is considerable evidence this approach extended to Yemen. In a speech in April 2011, then-Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh declared: “We derive our legitimacy from the strength of our glorious Yemeni people, not from Qatar, whose initiative we reject”.[3] This harsh public denunciation was triggered by Qatar’s support for Al-Islah, which was taking a leading role in the then-ongoing effort to oust Saleh
Al-Muhanadi can be heard in a telephone conversation with the ambassador on 18 May 2019, about a week after the bombing, saying, “we know who are behind [the attacks]”, adding: “Our friends were behind the last bombings”. The violence was “intended to make Dubai people run away from there”, Al-Muhanadi said. “Let them kick out the Emiratis, so they don’t renew the contracts with them and I will bring the contract here to Doha”, the capital of Qatar. The attack was claimed by Al-Shabab, Al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Somalia
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and Al Shabab have become more entangled since at least 2011, so support for one can easily benefit others