Military speaker : Griffiths is to continue manufacturing illusion, marketing failure ...a little chance remains for Houthis in al-Hodeida
English - Sunday 28 July 2019 الساعة 03:59 pm
A spokesman of the West Coast Liberation Operations said Saturday that the UN envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths continues to manufacture an illusion and market his failure as a success, while he covers up the violations of the Houthi militias against the Stockholm agreement, stressing that the agreement's terms remained stalled
In an exclusive statement to NewsYemen Wadhah al-Dubaish confirmed that the peace is the first option, but the Joint Forces are ready to liberate al-Hodeida ports once the implementation of the agreement's failure is declared
Al-Dubaish said that the Houthi militias have a last chance, a negligible change, either the implementation of the agreement according to the terms and conditions of the first stage - the withdrawal peacefully from al-Hodeida or the implementation of the agreement by force - both option have become unavoidable, either peace or compulsory.
The Houthi militias take the agreement as a tactical, a time is the only deadly weapon, which plays and bets on it, Houthis go to the consultations and elude the details, while Griffiths gives the Houthis enough time
He said: The UN envoy, Martin Griffiths, is still making the illusion of the Yemenis and marketing failure as success, and continues to cover up the violations committed by the Houthi militias against the Sweden's agreement,
while the provisions of the agreement are still in place because of the Houthis' intransigence in their implementation, adding that this is not the first time and will not be the last of the UN envoy and his reports, which are full of fallacies and misinformation