Taiz governor assigns Dr. Elan Abdelhak to run al-Thawra hospital's tasks
English - Saturday 06 July 2019 الساعة 08:37 am
The governor of Taiz, Nabil Shamsan, assigned the deputy of the Taiz province for Health Affairs, Elan Abdelhak to carry out the duties of the head of al-Thawra Hospital.
Elan Abdelhak withdrew forged seals at the Hospital and prepared the closed wards in the hospital to receive the injured and patients, according to a medical source.
The assignment of Elan Abdelhak came a month after the head of the Hospital Dr. Ahmed Anam went on a strike due to the Islah militias assaulted and expelled him.
The Brotherhood tried to impose a de facto authority by assigning Nashwan al-Husami to run the Hospital, and assaulted some of the Commission's staff, broke into their own housing, and carried out an armed sit-in inside the hospital.