Thousands of victims, series of constant defeats, .. Houthis just propaganda (1)
English - Saturday 22 June 2019 الساعة 04:25 pm
Why did the Houthis succeed in using propaganda and disinformation to falsify the real facts that they marched from Marran mountains where they are an armed group then to be a power holder for the Capital of the Yemeni people - Sana'a-through all the events among them?
On the other hand, why did the Legitimacy and the Islah party, and before them the official media in Sana'a fail to reveal the truth of an armed religious group that turned over to the power then handed over Yemen to the will of Tehran and Marran as well?
The Houthis rely mainly on propaganda, devote it time, money, effort and advisers from Tehran and Hezbollah supported by the regional media such as Al-Jazeera.
They broadcast al-Masirah and al-Sahat TV channels from Beirut with the help of the Iranian Islamic Channels Authority. The media was one of first victims and targets when entering Sana'a .
They blocked websites, closed TV channels then they arrested journalists, and establishing alternatives, including some 22 local radio station in Sana'a alone.
During the period between 2011 and 2014, the General People's Congress (GPC) and the Joint Parties accused each other, the Houthis, Tehran and Hizballah organized dozens of trips for dozens of journalists and activists to Beirut, Damascus and Tehran, and attracted dozens of them through salaries, newspapers and websites. No one of the Houthis' opponents pay more attention the Houthis' plan which has become clearer today than ever before.
In 2011, the Houthis began to launch their own descriptions and terminologies that circling them at their media to move their battles with others that the Houthis themselves are planning them to attack their opponents later.
The Houthi themselves who put their political and media agendas, they set up a a new syndicate for their journalists substitute for the Yemeni Journalists' Union.
The Houthi Syndicate was headed by Abdullah Sabri, they created an authority, despite their control for the all official media, they formed a special body for military information parallel to the Ministry of Information. They held training courses on psychological war, propaganda and military information.