Aden station.. the second radio in the Arab world and the lady of ether and rhetorical ability
English - Thursday 16 February 2023 الساعة 09:28 amRadio stations appeared at a time when people were in dire need of someone to hear their concerns and make their voices heard. From Aden, the voice resounded, announcing the arrival of those who would undertake this task, specifically on August 7, 1954. “Here is Aden” sounded with the voice of the announcer “Safia Luqman” on Radio Aden, the second radio station in the Arab world.
On the occasion of International Radio Day, February 13, it is necessary to remember "Radio Aden", which is still engraved in the memory of its listeners, under the name (Aden Radio Station). And for a period of twelve hours on weekends from nine in the morning until nine in the evening.
Here is Aden
On this occasion, the Adenites recalled the role of Yemeni women in general and Adeniya women in particular, who played an important role since the beginning of the entry of "Radio Aden", which they described as the lady of ether and the rhetorical ability.
The name of the broadcaster, Safia Luqman, was mentioned as the first female broadcaster and the first female voice to sound in the Arabian Peninsula with the phrase (Here is Aden) in 1954.
Safia Luqman grew up in the city of Crater, Aden, in a family with a great deal of culture and science. She was the owner of the first female voice on the radio at the level of the Arabian Peninsula. With the inauguration of Aden Radio on August 7, 1954, Safia Luqman was the first voice to utter the phrase “Here is Aden” that has never been heard. Her voice still resonates in the minds of many, and her voice had a great impact on reaching the media message at critical stages in Yemen's history.
Luqman contributed to many radio works, most notably "Shamsan Speaks", and presented many diverse programs in the cultural fields, women's and children's programs, and was one of the first to work in these programs.
After the inauguration of Aden TV broadcasts in 1964, Safia Luqman moved to work in it, and presented a program aimed at young people entitled “Children’s Corner”, so she won the title “Mama Safia”, and she continued her work on television .. She passed away in March 2016.
The beginning of Aden Radio
According to the information of the book "Yemeni Radio", by Professor Jamil Muhammad Ahmed, one of the former directors of the radio, the radio was launched under the supervision of the Public Relations and Publication Office of the British administration in Aden. It had a humble beginning, broadcasting no more than 1 hour and 45 minutes, then broadcasting increased to 7 hours a day. Before its official opening in 1954.
3 co-anchors worked in it, namely: Sheikh Abdullah Hatem, Mr. Lotfi Aman, and Mr. Muhammad Saeed Jarada. Mr. Hussein Al-Safi was appointed as the first official announcer, while Tawfiq Irani was appointed as the director of the radio.
The radio component at its inception was limited to two small studios, three recorders and a set of tapes, and the number of employees did not exceed 25 employees. The radio relied on the British Telegraph and Wireless Company to operate transmitters in medium wave 5 kilowatts and short wave 7.5 kilowatts, and its coverage was limited to areas near the colony of Aden.
In 1957, the radio was provided with some relatively modern equipment, and in 1960 AD, the first engineering department was opened, and a third studio was established. In 1958, Ahmed Zoukari took over the management of the radio, and Hussein Al-Safi succeeded him until May 1967, when Alawi Al-Saqqaf took over the management.
The radio contributed to the development of cultural awareness and the development of Yemeni drama and music by involving a large number of Yemeni intellectuals in the preparation and presentation.
From the Memory
Radio entered homes, allowing everyone, especially women, a space to communicate their voices, in both material and figurative senses... It established links between society and reduced the boundaries between the public and private spheres, addressing housewives, workers, consumers, and all citizens.
The educator of the distinguished generations, Thuraya Abdel Rahim, said to "NewsYemen" that she had acquired the radio since she was young and remained with it until the moment, and Aden Radio represented a reference to her with a high degree of credibility, and occupied their spare time listening to it at a time when televised media was not widespread. As a result, it is consistent with the ability of this rhetorical broadcast to influence its listeners.