Research Foundation: Al-Qaeda in Yemen is an external product par excellence, and Al-Zindani is his spiritual father

English - Saturday 05 November 2022 الساعة 04:24 pm
Aden NewsYemen:

 The Eighth Day Foundation for Media and Studies confirmed that the Al-Qaeda organization for Yemen is an external product par excellence, and is a blatant expression of jihadist Salafism, which emerged from the traditional Salafist mantle, noting that the prominent cleric and leader in the Brotherhood of Yemen, Abdul Majeed Al-Zindani is the spiritual father of this terrorist organization  .

 In a research study issued by the Foundation last Thursday, November 3, titled “The Godfather of Al-Qaeda, Abdul Majeed Al-Zindani moved from the fields of recruiting Afghan Arabs to the Yemeni presidential palace.”  

It explained that the spread of the jihadist doctrine in the Arab region and Yemen was accompanied by the growth of the Muslim Brotherhood movements, which reached the stage of almost congruence during the war against the Soviet Union. In fact, the Muslim Brotherhood movement, which presented itself as a reformist preaching movement, became part of the extremist jihadist movement during the period of the war against the Russians in Afghanistan, this was of course encouraged by some Arab regimes.

While the study indicated that the Yemeni Islamic movements have existed since the start of the September 1962 revolution against the Mutawakkilite Kingdom and with the support of the Brotherhood, the Egyptian branch, it sees that the Afghan-Russian conflict stage represented a strong impetus for their emergence in Yemen to the public, explaining that this invasion led to popular sympathy  These movements exploited it to call for jihad in Afghanistan against the Soviets, which was widely accepted by the people, as these circumstances were exploited to give the international character of the Yemeni Islamic movement by denouncing the Russian intervention.

The study touched on the role of al-Zindani, who it said was essential in the formation of the Arab Afghan movement, and made it clear that al-Zindani was the one who took over the affairs of the camps in Yemen for reception, training, intellectual mobilization and sending to Afghanistan, and on the other side in Peshawar, Osama bin Laden was receiving volunteers coming with passports issued by the Yemen Arab Republic at that time.

The study indicated that al-Zindani and bin Laden were the two poles of the operation, but al-Zindani acquired the status of the spiritual father of the Arab Afghans, adding that al-Zindani did not settle in the field and kept moving between Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and the Yemeni camps, while bin Laden was the man of the field.

 The study, consisting of eight sections, dealt with the birth, emergence and beginnings of the Brotherhood’s intellectual formation of the leader Abdul Majeed Al-Zindani, and the training and mobilization of the Russian-Afghan war, in the first and second sections, while the third section touched on the alliances between Saleh, Al-Ahmar and Al-Zindani, and the fourth topic dealt with the transfer of Al-Zindani from Torapura to the Yemeni presidency Palace, while the fifth and sixth sections talked about the conspiracy against the Yemeni unity project, and the holy war on the south.

The seventh topic reviewed the threat to international interests in Yemen, while the eighth topic dealt with the formation of terrorist movements in Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula.

The study concluded that the south is one of the most victims of terrorist organizations for three decades, and it has provided thousands of martyrs, wounded, and psychologically, intellectually and mentally disabled people because of this alien phenomenon in the southern society.

 She pointed out that Sanaa's goals of mobilizing the Arab mujahideen and the great interaction was political par excellence, and its goal was to employ them in their war against the Southern People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, which was an ally of the Soviet Union and was the only Arab country on the Arabian Peninsula where joint military bases exist to protect the territorial waters.

The study called on the political leadership of the Southern Transitional Council to speed up legislation to combat local and international terrorism, because the people of the south today are exposed to a criminal war waged by two international terrorist organizations, the Houthis and the Brotherhood, which are classified Arab and internationally in the lists of international terrorism, and the demand to prosecute the symbols of terrorist organizations in Yemen in accordance with the international law to combat terrorism because we are  One of the first nations to sign anti-terrorism conventions locally and internationally.

 The study recommended a demand for material and psychological compensation for the terrorist operations that have happened to the people of the south for three decades until now, calling on all national forces and Arab countries to ban all Islamic parties that legitimize terrorism and use it as a means to achieve political or personal goals and unify the Islamic discourse towards confronting these extremist terrorist organizations, perverted and dwarfed because Islam is innocent of them.