The language of the victor and the rhetoric of defeat.. the south threatens al-Houthi and the north is waiting

English - Saturday 08 October 2022 الساعة 04:17 pm
Aden, NewsYemen, special:

The Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, is escalating the tone of its threats against Yemenis at home and against neighboring countries and the region in conjunction with its failure to extend the armistice, vowing to escalate and the option of war to impose its conditions and demands.

The language of the threat to the Houthi group is based - as observers say - on the state of elation that it has been experiencing from its military parades that it has established in its areas of control during the past months, taking advantage of the validity of the truce, ignoring its long record of military defeats since the beginning of the war and the fact that its victories came only from the gate  Corruption and betrayal on the fronts of legitimacy.

In contrast to this escalatory language and threats by the Houthi group, the language of the discourse by the forces affiliated with the Presidential Leadership Council in response to it varied between a strong threatening speech and a weak one dominated by begging, in a way that reflected the realities of the field and the outcome of the past seven years of war.

The predominance of expressions of condemnation and denunciation over the speech and statements of most of the forces, components, leaders and officials affiliated with the North in response to the Houthi militia’s threats to escalate, and timidly waving the military option to address these threats, was evident.

By following the news of the meetings held by these leaders and officials with Arab and foreign ambassadors and officials during the past few days, the language of begging clearly emerges in their demands to pressure the Houthi group to agree to the UN proposal to extend the armistice in Yemen, despite the series of concessions made by the Presidential Council since the truce was announced in early April.

In contrast to the weak "northern" rhetoric, the level of strength in the rhetoric in the south was noticeable in response to the Houthi militia's threats, as expressed by the statements of a member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Major General Aidarous al-Zubaidi, head of the Southern Transitional Council, in his meetings in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, during the past few days.

Al-Zubaidi, during his conversation, on Wednesday, with the Egyptian ambassador, considered that the extortion practiced by the militias to obtain political gains is unacceptable, and vowed that any escalation that would be presented to him would be met with a decisive response.  He stressed that "the time has come to stop the arrogance of the Houthi militia."

The language of threat from al-Zubaidi was reinforced by the spokesman for the forces affiliated with the Transitional Council, Muhammad al-Naqib, stressing that the southern forces possess “the tools and means of military deterrence sufficient to bring the Houthi militias to their senses,” he said, reminding them of their defeat and defeat from the south in 2015.