The pillars of the Houthi coup are eroding
English - Sunday 20 February 2022 الساعة 08:07 amAbdul-Malik al-Houthi did not appoint a deputy to him, and he monopolized the leadership of the militia on himself since he assumed its leadership, although he appointed many of his brothers and relatives to important positions after the coup against power in 2014, but they were not positions that would place them as competitors to him in leadership.
When Muhammad Ali al-Houthi was appointed at the beginning of the coup as head of the so-called “revolutionary committee”, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi later corrected the matter, after the head of the committee tried to appear as a competitor to the militia leader, so the latter worked to marginalize him and limit his influence, by establishing a “political council” to which the powers had devolved. Revolutionary Committee.
After that, internal disputes and conflicts over power, influence and money grew between the senior leaders of the militia, and those leaders were divided into two conflicting wings, the Political Council wing and the Muhammad al-Houthi wing.
Among the inter-Houthi disputes over power, influence and money between the two wings, the role played by Muhammad al-Houthi in looting the resources of the Red Sea Ports Corporation, estimated at 14 billion riyals per month, was recently exposed.
According to informed sources, the latest dispute between Mahdi al-Mashat, appointed as head of the so-called “political council” and Muhammad al-Houthi, began when the first asked the head of the ports, Muhammad Abu Bakr and his deputy, Yahya Sharaf al-Din (both Houthis) reports on revenues, after it became clear to him that there were transfers Amounts of money from the port’s revenues were transferred to accounts belonging to Muhammad al-Houthi and others, under the directives of the Minister of Transport in the coup government, Amer Al-Marani and Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, without Al-Mashat having a share of those looted sums.
Mahdi Al-Mashat is currently the leader of the wing of the revolutionary council, and it includes his office director Ahmed Hamed, in addition to Yahya Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, Minister of Education in the militia government, and Abdul Karim Al-Houthi, Minister of the Interior of the coup. And a group of Houthi military and political leaders.
The leader of the armed terrorist group avoids entering into direct confrontation in the conflicts and disagreements within the Houthi family on the one hand, and the conflicts of the militia leaders among them on the other hand, and Abdul-Malik al-Houthi works to present himself as a reference at the level of the family, the militia and its leaders, but at the same time he works to impede the ambitions of his rivals. From within the family, and reduce their influence with the support of personalities close to him.
With the establishment of the Political Council, the leader of the revolutionary militia was able to marginalize the role of the Revolutionary Committee and reduce the influence of its head, which at the time led to an escalation of disputes over interests and influence, and at first it was between Muhammad al-Houthi and Saleh al-Samad, the former head of the Political Council, disputes that later led to the assassination the last one,
Shortly after his appointment as head of the revolutionary council, Al-Sammad complained to those close to him that Muhammad al-Houthi had not implemented his directives. He also hinted in letters weeks before his death that his assassination would be at the hands of a well-known wing of the Houthis.
Before Al-Samad was killed, differences within the Houthi group had surfaced, and information began to leak out about a conflict between Muhammad Al-Houthi’s wing and Saleh Al-Samad’s wing, and the occurrence of armed clashes, and an exchange of accusations of theft. The militia announces his death in what it described as an air strike of the coalition, amid accusations from within the group that hold the wing of Muhammad al-Houthi and Abu Ali al-Hakim responsible for liquidating al-Sammad, and presenting nine innocent people from Hodeidah to the scene of execution, on charges of involvement in his killing.
With the appointment of Mahdi Al-Mashat, the former director of the militia leader’s office, as head of the political council to succeed Al-Sammad, in addition to the group’s leader’s support for the leader close to him, Ahmed Hamid and his appointment as director of Al-Mashat’s office, the revolutionary council became directly at the disposal of the Houthi militia leader.
With the reduction of the influence of Muhammad al-Houthi, the internal conflict of the leaders of the terrorist militia has reached an advanced stage, as Mahdi al-Mashat and his influential office manager, Ahmed Hamed, are wrestling with Muhammad Ali al-Houthi and Abu Ali al-Hakim, amid expectations of escalating differences and the expansion of qualifying, after the assassination of Ibrahim Badr al-Din al-Houthi’s brother. Militia leader.
Informed sources confirmed that Mahdi al-Mashat was behind the incident that Muhammad Ali al-Houthi suffered in January 2019, and almost ended his life, in light of the struggle for influence and power between the militia leaders, which developed from a secret struggle for influence, money and power, to an exchange of threats of physical liquidation.
It is also noteworthy that the head of the revolutionary council, Mahdi al-Mashat, had chaired a meeting of the council, which was attended by the militia’s media, and issued a decision to dismiss Muhammad al-Houthi from the council’s membership and transfer his membership to the Shura Council, which prompted the latter to storm the headquarters of the militia’s Saba Agency in Sana’a, and force officials There, the news was deleted under threat and by force of arms, and the matter did not stop at this point, as it developed into threats of physical liquidation, according to informed sources in Sanaa.
After that, Muhammad al-Houthi was removed from the political front, and pushed to play a secondary role at the head of a body specialized in reviewing land and ownership files and monitoring the performance of the legal secretaries charged with drafting sales and purchase contracts, but the "Directal", which cannot afford to stay away from political affairs, is still trying From time to time he is reminded of his political presence, through his tweets about the developments of the fighting on the fronts.