Ibb University.. A edifice destroyed by the militia, far from the eyes of the future and the present of the students

English - Monday 25 October 2021 الساعة 09:59 am
Ibb, NewsYemen, private:

Ibb University is one of the most important 

scientific interfaces that express the governorate's status and its demographic and geographical importance, in addition to its distinguished tourist position.

It is also one of the most important institutions that the militia has sought with all its efforts to destroy since the outbreak of the war in early 2015.

The sources indicate that Iran's arm focused on it as an educational body that includes thousands of students from various departments and specializations and wanted to change its course.

 The other issue is that it has dealt with it as an important revenue stream that will work to finance its political projects, even if that is at the expense of the educational process.

 It started creating problems and harassing some students, university teachers, and department heads, changing directors and imposing new curricula and materials in line with its slogan of "Death to America and Israel.

Absolute control

 MH Sh, a student at the College of Engineering says, that the Houthis stripped themselves of the responsibility that rests with any authority, and proceeded to empower loyal leaders from all aspects of the university.

He added, "We felt the danger of this trend and did not expect that tampering would reach this level, as the university has turned into something like a religious authority."

He asserted that they controlled everything, even the Student Union, whose rhetoric became inflammatory against male and female students, trying to impose a new reality that works on segregating the sexes and interfering in personal details.

Attacks and arrests

 In early September, one of the teachers was attacked by security men inside the university yard. Neither the university president nor the concerned parties bothered to rehabilitate the victim who works without pay.

This incident was preceded by a student attacking a group of medical students while they were celebrating the return of a colleague from their illness.

According to student sources, the matter did not end here, but the student himself attacked the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in cooperation with the university security under the pretext of fighting finery.

Private sources told NewsYemen that Bilal Al-Maitami, a PhD in computer science, was arrested by the security of the Houthi militia a few days ago and is still in prison until today, only because he criticized corruption inside the university.

 emigration of academics

 Reports indicate that a large number of university teachers left the country, and others were expelled from their places of residence due to their financial conditions.

Many of them have previously stated that they are unable to provide the necessary needs for their family, which prompted them to engage in other businesses.

While many of them are still facing life in difficult circumstances, while others have been subjected to looting of their lands that were part of their entitlements.

According to NewsYemen sources, the most important of those who emigrated in recent years, Dr.  Khaled Al-Sufi from the College of Engineering, d.  Naji Al-Ashwal from the same college, Prof.  Azzam Al-Nahari, who settled in Sweden, Prof.  God save Drunken left for Germany, Prof.  Muhammad Hayel, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Shamiri, Prof. Dr.  Abdul Majeed Al-Junaid and a long list of the best professors within the university.

 looting revenue

 With regard to the looting of revenues, the matter applies to all revenue institutions around which the Houthi militia formed a circle of loyalists, as if they were charitable associations.

Previous reports stated that the university was subjected to the largest robbery three years ago, as its offices were stormed on a day off, the safe locks were broken, and approximately 350 million Yemeni riyals were stolen, including $100,000.

The looting of this amount had a significant impact on the performance of employees within the university in general and teachers in particular.

Students assured NewsYemen that they took only 25 out of forty lectures, and others only received 15 out of 30 as a result of repeated teacher absences.

The university library also closed its doors to students and researchers due to non-receipt of the operating budget, and this happened to the rest of the facilities and accessories.