Motion Graphics: The battles announce the failure of the Stockholm Agreement in Hodeidah

English - Saturday 10 October 2020 الساعة 03:13 pm
Aden, NewsYemen, Exclusive:

The recent battles in Hodeidah Governorate, in western Yemen, confirmed the failure of the Stockholm Agreement, two years after it was signed under the auspices of the United Nations.

The widespread Houthi escalation in the western coast carried explicit indications of the failure of the agreement, despite the allegations of the UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths, which says that the agreement partially succeeded there.

During the past days, the Houthi militia pushed suicide groups and a large force to break the siege of its members in Al-Durahimi, and the Houthi forces drowned with the strikes of the joint forces.

The militia expanded the scope of the escalation to include the districts of At-Tuhayat and Hais, south of Hodeidah, where it pushed hundreds of militants to launch attacks and killed 12 of them in Al Tuhaita, while the joint forces defeated 3 large leaderships in Hays.

The "NewsYemen" channel, on YouTube, publishes a motion graphic video, showing the widespread escalation of the battles on the Hodeidah fronts on the west coast, which came to confirm the failure of the Sweden agreement despite the claims of success that "Griffiths" propagates from time to time.