Houthi dead and prisoners, and the first giants brigade is penetrate the Houthis' ranks, regaining the "counter-attack"

English - Thursday 08 October 2020 الساعة 08:03 pm
Al-Hodeidah, NewsYemen, Exclusive:

 From the dawn of Thursday until noon, the fighting continues, in the city of Hodeidah, Mandhr and in Al-Durahimi, as the joint forces regained the attack in all axes, and the Iranian arm retreated, sheltering in civilians and farms, and the escalation of its artillery war.

"NewsYemen" obtained pictures from the battle of Al-Saleh, where the Houthis left their dead, while one of them was captured there, and in Al-Durahimi, the first giants brigade advanced this afternoon after strong confrontations in which the field commander was martyred in the operations of the giants, “Saleh Hamis al-Matrafi,” during which the Houthi remnants were pursued.

The 1st Brigade reinforced the giants of the 5th and 7th units of the Republic's Guards, and they were able to advance 4 kilometers after a counterattack by the Giants Brigade.

The night battles inside Hodeidah continued with various weapons until four in the morning, then renewed with the morning, and Al-Houthi attacked Mandhr and City Max.

To compensate for their field losses on the ground, Al-Houthi resorted to artillery shelling, as they fired two shells that landed near Al-Durahimi field hospital.