"Al-Mukalla Iron and Steel" launches the largest iron factory in Yemen (video)
English - Saturday 22 February 2020 الساعة 02:58 pm
Al Mukalla Iron and Steel Company announced the start of experimental production for the largest iron factories in Yemen
"Ain Al-Arab" camera toured the factory, which was visited by the governor of Hadramout Governorate, Ahmed Al-Bahsni, and its construction cost $ 160 million. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company received Omar Bajarsh the governor and gave him an explanation about the work developments and the capacity of the company and its factory.
The production capacity of the factory is 300 thousand tons annually of reinforcing steel of various sizes, in addition to other types of iron.
The factory is expected to cover a large proportion of the needs of Yemen from high-quality reinforcing steel in light of the increased demand for it, and provides about 450 jobs.
The factory, which started to be equipped in 2007, was scheduled to start production in 2010, but it faltered because of what struck the country in general and Mukalla in particular, the last of which was the control of Al Qaeda.
After the liberation of the Hadrami elite of Mukalla with the support of the UAE armed forces, stability returned to the governorate and witnessed growth in construction and real estate market .. The company re-equipped its factory at the beginning of the year 2020.
The factory includes a smelting unit, a technology and quality control unit, a steel unit, production of stainless steel boxes, and a factory for rolling bars and skewers.