The Southern Resistance is making significant progress in Zubairat and Lower Hajar and dismantling mines and explosive devices
English - Wednesday 04 September 2019 الساعة 10:18 am
The formation of the Southern Resistance
Forces in northern al-Dale’ has made significant progress in more than one direction in confronting the Houthi militias, securing sites and dismantling mine and explosive networks.
A field source in northern Al-Dale' confirmed to Newsyemen the progress of the southern resistance in Zubayriat Front with support from rocket incidents and Katyusha rockets after violent confrontations with Houthi militias.
In the Lower Hajar Front, local resistance led by Khaled Massad liberated some positions towards the strategic Jeb camp.
It was able to dismantle a network of mines, explosives and explosives planted by the Houthi militia, the arm of Guiran in Yemen, in the region.