Transitional" welcomes the ceasefire in Shabwa. He holds the "legitimacy" responsible for the return of extremists
English - Monday 26 August 2019 الساعة 04:46 pm
The Southern Transitional Council (NTC) on Monday welcomed the contents of the Saudi-UAE joint statement on recent developments in southern Yemen, calling on the coalition to establish an appropriate mechanism to monitor the ceasefire.
In an official statement, the Council reiterated the response to Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz's call for dialogue in Jeddah, as well as his commitment to calm and a ceasefire in Shabwa.
The council reiterated its commitment to partner with the Arab coalition countries in fighting iran's project in the region, which is represented by Houthi militias, as well as its participation in the fight against terrorism operating under the umbrella of the Yemeni government.
Armed terrorist groups led by the Muslim Brotherhood poured in to reoccupy Shabwa province, the statement said.
The Southern Transitional Council (NTC) held the government of legitimacy fully responsible for targeting the forces of the Shabwa elite and re-empowering terrorist organizations and extremist groups after they had been secured.
He stressed his continued commitment to supporting the forces of the Shabwa elite and strengthening them by all means that would enable them to continue their role in combating terrorism and securing the province.