Yemen Brotherhood burn Hadi in the south, accuse Saudi Arabia of establishing a parallel army in the north
English - Monday 26 August 2019 الساعة 04:26 pm
Affiliated to Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar began to publicly declare and write in communication sites in escalating language against the Saudi leadership, camps and active forces in Saada and Hajja funded by the Kingdom that become despair of the army and the military of Marib, after a bitter experience cost years and budgets consumed by a huge corruption machine hijacking the coalition's efforts behind the legitimacy that has turned into reactionary power centers
This is one of the most important and significant features of the great and escalating change in the attitude and rhetoric of the Arab Coalition and towards the Kingdom directly and no longer is confined to the UAE, within the solid bloc that hijack legitimacy and dominate its military capabilities
Perhaps the most prominent example in this context is provided by Ali Mohsen's man in the media front, Saif Al-Hadhri, chairman of Al Shomou'a Foundation and Akhbar Al-Youm newspaper, which currently published in Marib, serves as Al Ahmar's media arm since early in Sana'a, which sparked a practical start in a new phase. The Kingdom is a direct target for the Brotherhood's correction after it has so far been limited to the UAE
Al-Hadhri criticized Saudi Arabia's funding and arming of Saada and Hajja brigades fighting Houthis there from outside the control of Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar who dominating the body, head and capabilities of the national army, structurally, administratively and financially linked to an absolute central command in Marib
Al-Hadhri compared, in more than one place and publication, between the forces of the Transitional Council in the south and the forces and camps supervised by the coalition leadership on the fronts of Saada and Hajja. This comparison reflects an unprecedented audacity in raising the voice against Riyadh with such intensity, and gives the perception of the readiness to go far in the escalation with the Kingdom, directly related to events and developments in Aden and the south in general
From one of the first responses that could be spotted, initially within a day, it seemed clear that somebody in Riyadh received the letter quickly, and was assigned to respond to it immediately through Yemeni activists close to the sons of Saada
Observer could also notice a visible change in the priorities of the activists from the same constituency who criticize the continued attacks and escalation of government and media against Abu Dhabi as a diversion of the battle between legitimacy and the coalition! This is also an important feature, especially if added to the expansion of the warning of the objectives and plans within the legitimacy of the Brotherhood to strike and split the coalition and fuel the confrontation between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi to invest in the southern event in particular and in harmony and integration with the performance of the Qatari media and Al Jazeera in particular
In this context, we can only add to the rapid evidence the contents of column headings, opinion articles and even news formulations directed at the Saudi media or Saudi financed, and the general atmosphere gives a strong testimony to a significant change in the editorial policy in favor of a timely editorial line necessitated by the immediate need
It seems that this is not all and will not be, not for the Muslim Brotherhood and their higher military and political positions. Nor to the coalition and the Saudi joint leadership. This means Riyadh and decision-making rooms
President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi's options and fortunes appear to be limited and increasingly bleeding, losing his ability to remedy the accelerated deterioration that entangling him in insidious escalating situations that deepen the crisis of confidence, credibility and efficiency and take him away from the coalition and even from the Saudi leadership in favor of uncontrolled escalation against the UAE first
There are those who drive legitimacy and the president to the wrong
battle in the southern strongholds and with the south. If this is not a reckless adventure, it is a personal suicide of the president and his burning in the south without return
Simultaneously, similar battles are being fomented with Saudi Arabia and waving blackmail, the option of comparing Saada forces and brigades with the brigades in the south. This is greater than Hadi's ability to legitimize his complications by being dragged behind the needs of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is clearly the need of the Qatari-Iranian-Turkish axis to strike the Arab coalition in the heart. It is no secret that everything is carried out under Hadi's cover and legitimacy
So far, we mention the escalation taken by Mohsen and the Qatari-Islah in Taiz and the possibility of a major and massive military bombing in Al-Hujaria. What is happening here, in the middle, is directly related to what is happening in many places north, south and east. Where does Hadi find himself in all this?