Sniping a woman in Hays and targeting Houthi houses and graves
English - Saturday 24 August 2019 الساعة 05:54 pm
Houthi terrorist militias, the Iranian arm in Yemen, have intensified their artillery shelling on the city of Hays with all types of heavy and medium weapons
According to the sources of the joint forces of the Giants Brigades, on Friday evening, the Houthi militias targeted the houses of citizens in the city of Hays using RBG shells hysterically, which led to a state of terror and panic among the residents in the region
An elderly woman in her fifth decade was shot by Houthi snipers in the city of Hays, where an elderly woman, Nema Saleh Abdo Hamna, was seriously wounded by a bullet fired by militia snipers in the head and taken to Hays field hospital for treatment.Hospital sources described her condition as critical