Disagreements between National, Political Security Departments in Sana'a due to Houthi militias' leaders
English - Thursday 08 August 2019 الساعة 05:16 pm
Informed sources said that disagreements arose between leaders of the National Security Department and Political Security Department dominated by the Houthi militias, the Iranian arm in Yemen, over issues related to detainees as well as the Houthi Preventive Security Interventions in the work of the two agencies
According to the sources, who spoke to the NewsYemen, although the militias control the work of the political and national security departments and turn them into two special services for the militias, the Houthi preventive security officials continue intervening daily in the work of the two departments and orders instructions to their leaders which raised the dispute Between the two departments and between them and the Houthi preventive security
The sources added that the disagreements of the leaders of the two departments also escalated on the background of the controversy over the cases of detainees held by the militias, where the National Security insists on questioning persons detained by the Political Security, but the latter refused to subject them to questioning national security investigators without giving reasons
The sources say that some of the detainees in political security prisons are subjected to extortion by leaders in the Houthi militias who demand that they pay them money to allow their families to visit them or communicate with them, a matter is behind the prevention of political security from being investigated by national security officers
According to the sources, national security officers reported to the Houthi-dominated political council accusing the militia's Preventive Security leaders of interfering with their work provocatively, ordering the release of detainees and transferring them to the Political Security Prison, In addition to preventing national security officers from accessing interrogations of some detainees on the grounds that they are secret
Some have even been accused of having links to US intelligence and leaking information, according to the classified report to the political council