charges prepared .. Houthi industry: pay silently or wait your charge
English - Monday 05 August 2019 الساعة 10:05 am
A married woman and has children at school. Her husband was surprised by gunmen who said they were looking for his wife for making prostitution before ten years ago and that one of the detainees had confessed that he made a relation with her during that period
She was arrested and taken to the Houthi Criminal Investigation Department, she was imprisoned upon this charge, they destroyed her family and her fame in return of looting the family's money
On Tuesday, al-Khatib Restaurant, one of the most famous restaurants in the capital Sana'a, was closed by the Houthis, the reason is that there is no park for cars, this is a charge created by the Houthi militas
If Houthis decided to target you, the reason is ready, and they will search using a microscope, and if necessary, they will create a charge against you so as get money
Al-Senainah Markat for Qat is a few meters away from al-Khatib restaurant, causing the most busiest if you compared with with the restaurant, the market halted the traffic, like 20th market for Qat as well, but the Houthi militias targeted the restaurant to loot its money
The CityMax Center was closed before Ramadan at the peak of the season, al-Khatib Restaurant was closed before Eid al-Adha, which is an annual season for restaurant work.The Tax Authority in Sana'a can close any center, restaurant, cafeteria, and any source of income of a Yemeni citizen
If someone pays everything, he would be asked to settle the previous years, as it happened with a lot of traders who were demanded by the Houthi militias for the last ten years under the pretext of tax settlement
An employee at the Tax Department said that the tax revenues have doubled by nearly 600%, and they are sufficient to pay salaries to all employees of the Republic, such as Qat taxes in al-Hodeida, which jumped from 2 billion riyals in 2014 to 12 billion in 2018, the Tax Department in al-Hodeida did not get their salaries, the Houthi militias spend it in its own way
Al-Shami, the head of the group appointed by the Houthi group, was a teacher at Ibb University and is imposing a dictatorship treatment on the Tax's staff, as he has a special reservation for staff.For example, if you think of smoking one cigarette , you will have to pay a fine of Y.R 500, a 24-hour in detention, and a double detention and a fine as well.If you want to leave the building for minutes, you must obtain an exit order signed by the chairman of the Tax Department
The fingerprint is completed four times a day (8 am, 10 am, 12 noon, 2 pm), and guarding the gate of the department prevents you from leaving, unless after getting a permission by the chairman of the Tax department
A major furniture dealer was recently arrested on charges of "soft war". The charge was an illegal nook with a woman, and so many others at jails of the Houthi group bargained for money when there was no justification covered by the law
This is how the charges are made, and they are fabricated, in order to pressure and blackmail the citizens. When people refuse to respond to the Houthi pressures, their cases are declared as working with the Coalition, a charge that may put you through the death penalty.
The Yemenis will not be freed from the actions of the Houthis without the restoration of their State .. This conclusion, which exceeds the decision-makers, traders of peace and war and the homeland