Houthi militias employ Houthi names at SabaFon forcibly
English - Friday 02 August 2019 الساعة 03:41 pm
The Houthi militias forcibly imposed and gave six people loyal to the Houthi group jobs at Yemen Mobile Phone Company – Sabafon in the Capital Sana'a, in armed robbery and seizure of private funds
For the second day in a row, the armed patrols of the Houthi militias continue besieging the company after changing its guards, excluding dozens of the company's employees and imposing a new administration that does not represent the company's real owners
AbdulAziz al-Ghaili was imposed by the Houthi militias as an acting General Manager of the Technical Department, and Nezar AbdulWahab Al-Muayad, as acting Director General of the Information Systems Department, Ali Ahmed Ahmed Jahez, as an acting Director General of Financial Department, Mohammed Ali al-Shami, as an acting Commercial Director General, Hassan Ali Al-Kuhlani, as acting Director General of the company Affairs, Hafedh Abdullah Al-Dailami as an acting Director General of Management
The company's employees considered the storming and seizing operation of the company's capabilities is illegal and a full-fledged criminal offense, using the fraud, impersonation and unlawful appropriation of private funds