Brotherhood Security patrols open loudly Houthi chants, Zawamel, in Taiz city
English - Wednesday 31 July 2019 الساعة 09:56 am
The Jihadi Zawamel of the Houthi militias are spreading in Taiz city, controlled by the Islah party, the local branch of the Brotherhood Organization
The sounds of Houthi Zawamel are risen in particular at night, motorcyclists and Islahi military vehicles opened and listened to the Houthi Zawamel, as well as Zawamel also sold by a number of Audio shops in the city
The folklore and Zawamel are popular art directed by the Houthis against the Arab Coalition and the Legitimate government, which has been fighting against them for five years, as they use to mobilize the Houthi fighters and mobilize them with the Houthi doctrine beliefs