Mujahed Qasherah al-Ghuli when he exploded at Houthi face, he became a thief
English - Saturday 27 July 2019 الساعة 07:34 pm
Mujahed Qasherah al-Ghuli is not a thief as the Houthi militias claimed, he is one of the militias men in Raydah district or maybe in Amran province, he was one of their men, he and his brother managed to kill seventeen Houthi members, including four Houthi supervisors, nine others were rushed at an Intensive Care Unit, more than twenty injured in a battle lasted Friday afternoon till Saturday afternoon. Raydah's people are angry with the Houthis for what happened.
The Houthis do not exaggerate the charges except against their opponents who beat the militias or extort the weak. The Muslim Brotherhood satisfied the crime, it satisfied only by the heroes. When these two parties, the Houthis and the Brotherhood, are united against one person or an event, there is certainly a story they hope will be forgotten.
I called dozens, novels are contradicted , until I reached Raydah district, Harf Sufyan area, al-Ghulah area, and as I approached the source of events, I found people more angry and hatred against the Houthis because of what happened.
Mujahed Qasherah was one of those who believed the Houthi slogans who claimed supporting the weak and who wanted to decrease prices, then he believed that the war is a shift that hinder and halt to achieve the Houthi slogans.
But their growing arrogance day by day, and their arrogant behaviors against people made it facing with their thieves and their corrupt supervisors.
Qasherah allocated most of his farms in al-Ghulah and Harf Sufyan areas for the Houthis, he was active in collecting funds from Qat farmers in Raydah and al-Ghulah for Houthis as well, he was a source of their income, he was known by many people.
According to the most reliable accounts, he began his dispute with the security director of Raydah, or the Houthi supervisor in Raydah and some of the director's aides who refused to release a man who was imprisoned unjustly.
As usual, the Houthis respond to any attempt to discuss an issue of a prisoner accused of being a spy or working for the benefits of outsiders, Qasherah was threatened of being arrested.
On July 21,2019 Qasherah killed a security director of Raydah and two others. Some reports said that Qasherah killed them in Raydah security department where he was trying to follow up on the prisoner's case, and other stories said that he killed them after attacking his house the next day after they threatened him to arrest him and accused him of being a thieve and threatening him to kill him.
Qasherah returned from the security department of Raydah, warning his neighbors, he contacted with his brother to come back from Houthi fronts, informing him that the Houthis want to kill him { Qasherah}.
A Houthi security force attacked on his house, and tried to storm it, but Qasherah, who holed up in his house, shot and killed nine Houthi gunmen and injured others.
The Houthis reinforced the security force, including armored vehicles and dozens of military vehicles, according to testimonies of the people there. Houthis used RPGs and heavy machine guns. The confrontation lasted all night.
When Qasherah announced to surrender himself to Houthis, but he stipulated to surrender himself to Amran province supervisor and an official of Political system Mohammed al-Shatawi, when Mohammed al-Shatawi along with his brother Hadi al-Shatawi and three others entered Qasherah's house, Qasherah he shot and killed them by the last ammunition then he was killed by the fire of the Houthis.