Crowd militias go to western countryside of Taiz to look for military achievement
English - Wednesday 24 July 2019 الساعة 10:17 am
Repeated calls that carried out by armed groups for peaceful demonstration hide a blunt violence inside it.
Al-Berain - al-Ma'afer gate, in Taiz province.
A military group and a militia group are calling for a popular march to demand the outbreak of armed conflict in our villages besieged by the siege.
It was better for financiers of these chaotic calls to go to the fronts to lift the siege of Taiz city.
The leadership of the Popular Crowd affiliated with the Brotherhood and Taiz Military Axis in Taiz must respect their military positions and deal firmly with their unbridled ambitions to move the conflict into society.
The leadership of Taiz Axis lives a rebound and perhaps a refraction will go to double the decline of its narrow geographical patch to shrink itself to wake up and the beauty street theater of its operations has faded.
Going to rural areas of Taiz province looking for a military achievement to add to its advertising and media headlines or to the Brotherhood channels under the name to capture the outlaw elements has no longer hidden its target for anyone.
The Command of Taiz military Axis must declare its clear and frank position of the Islah party's persistence in expanding inside the military Institution to go to the province to drop the map of quotas with the militias.
The soft harmony with the militias through the appeasement of the siege will not strengthen the inside front but it will weaken it and increase its depletion then opponents will be created the creation and fabrication inside the Resistance square, thinking of the executive office of the party aspiring to an absolute succession within the headquarters of the province, not far from the party headquarters.
Wars run by the party for years in the city have led to the undermining of the State authority and opening a comprehensive and terrible collapse of the province as a whole.
The absent of Nabil Shamsan, the governor of Taiz, since a decree was issued to appoint him repeats the question why does the Islah party go via the Vice-president to oust Amin Mahmoud who never been absent a day of his office.
The party wants a governor from outside the party's Shura, the most important of to be absent, and so he decides to make republican decisions that meet the Party's ambition.
Dr. Amin Mahmoud, the former governor of Taiz, came out of the circle of the Party's influence, after a year in his office, the Party went to work by all means to overthrow him.
Dr. Amin Mahmoud, the man who run his office well, he stayed at his office throughout his tenure, except some visits to interim capital Aden to follow up the province's work. Dr. Mahmoud has a program to ensure the restructuring of the military and police. Here the Party revolted and did not calm down.
Dr. Mahmoud, during at least one year, had fulfilled many of the promises made by his program, despite all the obstacles that he faced his movements, but he managed to stifle the folly of the military who wants to create an internal conflict among the Resistance wings in mid-April last year to form a presidential commission to rebalance the military forces as well as to handover the civil facilities to launch a major renovation in the city.
The party group within the leadership of Taiz axis faced a man who did not know how to escape the benefits of the people and what was required to do for them.
The meetings of the security committee and the leadership of the local council have opened its office for observers and reviewers on a daily basis.People felt the presence of a statesman inside the headquarters of the province who wake up early to dispel the clouds of dust crashing over the shelves of the province.
"Outside the group to be killed "
After five months of the ousted Dr. Amin Mahmoud, the Islah Party went to al-Misrakh district and kill Sheikh Faisal Abduljalil Mahmoud, upon the directives of the Brotherhood Mufee at the Party's headquarter
Faisal Mahmoud was kidnapped inside the Police Security Department, the Party's members executed him in a brutal way then they pulled his dead body on the main street.
The Culprit is the Director General of al-Misrakh district
It is worth to mention that the culprit, the director general of the district, continue his tasks along with his followers, furthermore, they stormed the house of the former governor of Taiz, they looted its contents and burnt it.
The Islah party's ambition was and is still unique. It could not relinquish its arrogance and authoritarian greedy obsession so as to be expanded in the liberated areas.
The party decided, without pity, to subjugate all parties, and decided to restore al-Berain area as the the party thinks that it is Peshawar, a gate of the Afghan Jihad.