Yemen: Between Khusrov's dismissal and Suleiman's resignation.. Who seized the National Army?

English - Saturday 20 July 2019 الساعة 09:24 am
Marib, Newsyemen, Mahdi Al 'Omrani


Between the dismissal of the Head of the Moral Guidance Department of the National Army forces Major General Mohsen Ali Khusrov on July 11, and the resignation of Lieutenant Colonel Manea Mohammed Suleiman, the Head of the Psychological War Division, in the same department and at the same date, can be seen aspects of the way the administration of the Armed Forces Foundation and the relationship of President Hadi and leadership with the Ministry of Defense, their relationship with departmental directors, brigade commanders and military units.

Before Khusrov's dismissal, an official source in the Ministry of Defense announced that President Abdurbo Mansour Hadi, directed to remove him from his site as director of the Department of Moral Guidance "for the misinformation reported on the Yemeni T.V," against the backdrop of Khusrov's remarks, which played down the role of the Arab Coalition

It was obvious of the keenness of the presidential source to express deep appreciation and thanks to the brothers in the countries of the coalition, and the reference to "their continuous support for legitimacy, which included various fields and achieved great victories throughout Yemen," as response to Khusrov's remarks that supported by the Army Foundation led by the Muslim Brotherhood and President Hadi in Marib

Ignoring Maqdashi's Remarks

The government of President Hadi hastened to declare unequivocally the validity of Khusrof's remarks, and to announce the contents of the sharp presidential directive by referring him to "investigation as a result of his violation of the rules of the profession and regulations of the military organization." But he did not reciprocate with previous remarks made by Defense Minister Major General Muhammad Al Maqdashi, who revealed that 70% of the army forces sitting in their homes, which, in case of war, amounts to the rank of treason in the customs and traditions of military

On Saturday morning, April 20, 2019, the Minister of Defense Al Maqdashi revealed that 70% of the National Army forces are outside the fronts and are present in the streets and houses, considering that this is a crime to be held accountable by law. He added that 30% of the army forces on the fronts

Between the two accidents, the resignation of Lt. Col. Manea Mohammed Sulaiman, the Head of the Psychological War Division of the the Moral Guidance Department, comes to say publicly what Khusrove has expressly reserved, and revealed a rare seizing of what is supposed to be a National Army that everybody counts on the liberation of Yemen kidnapped by the Iran-backed Houthi militia

Parallel Entities Outside The Military

Lt. Col. Suleiman revealed the interference of parallel entities outside the framework of the army establishment in drawing up decisions of the army, enabling those who describe them as close and elusive to control the potentials by some centers of influence in exchange for excluding national cadres and leaders and impeding the implementation of the tasks assigned to them, considering these practices as destructive to the effectiveness of the army and soldiers in the war

Lt. Col. Sulaiman explicitly refered to the growing and rampant corruption within the National Army Foundation, revealing the attempt by many of the so-called centers of power to take from the Army Foundation a tool to rebuild the center and build self-dreams

Expenditures Outside The Battle Needs

Regarding the military disbandment, he said that "the plans and programs within the military establishment that contribute to the acceleration of the military discounting process do not give attention and support to the implementation of these programs and plans under the pretext of resource scarcity." He said, "While we find those resources go as expenses for some of the influential, is spent on the sidelines of the issues," adding, "and sometimes on what has nothing to do with the requirements and needs of the battle,Lt.

Col. Sulaiman complained about ignoring the plans of his department, and the lack of operational possibilities, pointing out that his direct leadership (Major General Mohsen Khusrove) faces the same problems

He further said that he found the leadership and administrative image of the army are not available in the army's leadership. He added: I found names that were seized by pockets that are not subject to any sound foundations, neither in the administration nor in the leadership