Islah's commander tortures soldier to death for spying the Fifth Military Region
English - Thursday 18 July 2019 الساعة 06:25 pm
Activists shared pictures of a soldier at the Fifth Military Region, led by Islah Party's officers and commanders, {soldier} who was killed under torture by his commander Derhem Tashan, the commander of al-Fursan brigade.
The soldier's body shows traces of burns and brutal torture, where the commander of the Brigade accused the soldier Majdi Mukhtar Sufyan, of the people of Taiz in Jabal Sabr, of spying in favor of the fifth Military Region Commander and raising reports about the Brigade commander and his suspicious role in Hiran.
Activists said that the pictures showing brutally torture sent by the soldier's colleagues in the brigade, demanding the commander of the Fifth Military Region to intervene immediately and hold this corrupt and criminal officer who were fed up with, especially as it is not the first accident and will not be the last.