State of the Brotherhood in Marib .. Terrorism, arrests and silencing of militants & the absence of parties & Media
English - Wednesday 17 July 2019 الساعة 09:42 am
The Brotherhood in Yemen, the Islah Party, has woven a beautiful picture of Marib city, a city where state institutions, economy, security, army and the dreams of the people of the Sheba Region grow with a new framework equal to the size of their sacrifices.
There is an active financial movement and a trade that responds to requirements of a real estate sector and consumption of large numbers of families that settled in Marib to escape the Houthis.
A part seems to belong to the Brotherhood and the other part seems to belong to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) where the second live in heavy living conditions at the levels of their income at labor market.
In the depth of this layout is the state of the Brotherhood group, which was built with a structure that is equivalent to the structure of the Brotherhood, security, administration, financial and military .. and strictly beyond the systematic repression, the Brotherhood of Yemen maintain its state in the city of Marib as a closed-door version of the Emirate of Zanzibar during the rule of al-Qaeda after 2011.
The two security forces in Marib city are controlled by the Brotherhood in Marib. They are the Political Security and the Special Security Forces led by Abu Sha'alan, a young man who was given a great support by the Brotherhood and the Ali Mohsen.
He acquired a large military weapon and equipment from the Coalition and appeared to build an army rather than a security unit. The heavy weapon and the diversity of the formations of these forces.
The Political Security in Marib was able to restore the momentum of terror that was formed by this the Brotherhood regime before 1994 and how to manipulate the forces of the Left and form a source of horror for society.
The State of the Brotherhood group in Marib has put all its weight to strengthen the presence of the Political Security by spreading terror, terrorizing dissidents, even prosecuting activists of social media and silencing members of the national army in Marib and preventing them from talking about any security imbalances.
Months ago, the militias launched a major attack on Serwah area caused the fallen of main important sites of the army; and army troops then withdrew, after that, tribes strengthened and restored sites and handed them over to the army again, but the Islah and the Political Security were busy in a campaign that is the largest in Marib city against activists of the Social Media, 40 people, according to information obtained by NewsYemen, have been detained.
Detainees were arrested at a public place for taking rest (s popular gathering known as Lukandah), at hotels and stores. This revealed that the Political Security Department has a complete database of all those who deal with the situation in Marib via social media sites. This is the result of a repressive intelligence activity that is a copy of the security system in the areas controlled by the Houthi militias in Sana'a.
Political Security personnel are present in all Marib hotels as workers to make all inmates under surveillance, while the elements of this apparatus spread throughout all popular restrooms, lobbies and cafés, according to information obtained by NewsYemen, which made the city of Marib like a closed city.
Political Security personnel are present in all Marib hotels as workers to make all lodgers under surveillance, while the elements of this apparatus spread throughout all popular gatherings, and cafés, according to information obtained by NewsYemen, which made the city of Marib like a closed city.
What have been publishing on social media about Marib are published by sons of the tribes who are often present in their tribal areas, the tribes provide them safe places to speak free far from of the Brotherhood repression and its state in Marib city.
Anyone who lives in Marib city, especially if he is a scholar, a political activist or a journalist, will find himself living in an extraordinary state of terror at a time when the Brotherhood considers this fear safe and secure, while a visitor can not find security unless he reaches the tribal areas that are outside the Brotherhood.
What reinforced a security grip of the Brotherhood in Marib and made the information do not come out easily is the absence of media opposed to the authority of the Brotherhood or an independent, as all the media in Marib are controlled by four parties, all follow the Brotherhood: Army Media Center, Moral Guidance, Marib Information Center, Islah Information Center, the last is the umbrella of the three branches, and all employees in the three parties are linked to fourth Center.
No one can object in Marib, where officers are easily jailed and their military ranks were removed in case they object to any corruption or transgress or criticize what they see as contrary to military laws and regulations.
The lack of activity by the other parties has also made the city of Marib exclusively owned by Islah and the General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar.
What is happening in Marib - repression and intimidation are happening in Taiz previously and did not release information about violations of the Islah Party in Taiz city.
When Abd al-Sattar al-Shamiri criticized the Brotherhood's abuses in Taiz, he was kidnapped and was almost forced to disappear after he was in a prison at the 22nd Brigade in Taiz Club. However, al-Shamiri's initiative rolled like a snowball to get out all the crimes and violations of Islah and its militias in Taiz.