Motions-Graphics : Terrorism devours its own in Taiz
English - Tuesday 16 July 2019 الساعة 09:45 am
The Islah Party, the local branch of the "Muslim Brotherhood", has went to side wars with their comrades in Taiz, managed to sit alone in matters of the city
After the Popular Mobilization Militias (known as the PMM or Hashd al-Sha'abi) in Taiz, succeeded in displacing members of the Brigades of Colonel Adel Faree (Abu Abbas) who played the most prominent role in liberating the city from the Houthi militia, the "Muslim Brotherhood" tried hard to take the fight to the countryside where the 35th Brigade
Major differences emerged over the attempt to steal revenue in the city. As assassinations never stopped despite their claim to end terrorism in the city, where the militants attacked the head of the (NS) despite belonging to them
Here is a short motion video, showing how the conflict of wings raves within Muslim Brotherhood in Taiz, including the attempt to kill the security chief who is affiliated with the Islah