Security Council extends (January 2020) mission of the United Nations in al-Hodeida

English - Monday 15 July 2019 الساعة 06:37 pm
Mocha –

A new UN Security Council Resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council on Monday, 15 July 2019, extends the mission of UN in al-Hodeida for an additional six months (15 January 2020) to support the implementation of al-Hodeida agreement and its seaports according to the Sweden's agreement.

In its resolution 2481, the Security Council stressed that the Mission should lead and support the work of the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) with the assistance of a secretariat composed of United Nations personnel to oversee the cease-fire, redeployment and demining operations across the province.

The Security Council stressed to monitor the parties' compliance with the cease-fire in the province and the redeployment of forces on a reciprocal basis in al-Hodeida city, and al-Hodeida seaports - al-Salif and Ras Issa according to the Yemeni law.

The Security Council also affirmed to facilitate and coordinate the United Nations support to assist the parties in the full implementation of al-Hodeida Agreement.

The resolution also requests the Secretary-General to expedite the full deployment of the Mission and calls upon the parties to the Agreement to support the United Nations, including ensuring the safety and security of the mission personnel.

The resolution also requests to move all personnel and equipment to Yemen without any obstacles.

In its new resolution, the Council stressed the importance of Member States, particularly neighboring States, to supporting the United Nations as required to implement the Mission's mandate.

The contents of the resolution, in its new form, were repeated from its previous version of the resolution on the recent extension of the Mission's mandate without change and without much substance being applied on the ground.