Salafi student in Marib killed, activists warn of Brotherhood's conspiracy on Ubaidah tribe
English - Sunday 14 July 2019 الساعة 10:14 am
Local sources told NewsYemen that a Salafi student was killed on Saturday on Marib - Safar road in Wadi Ubaidah in Marib province, he was found dead inside his car.
The sources added that Abdullatif Mohammed Abdullatif, one of the Islamic student at Abi al-Hasan al-Sulaimani Islamic Center, who is also a son of an Islamic Sheikh, was killed on the main road linked al-Muali Station Market and al-Rakedah checkpoint in Wadi Ubaida in Marib.
Activists in Marib warned of conspiracies being waged against the Ubaidah tribes, aimed at creating justifications for tribal control and control by the Islah Party forces exist in Marib, as Ubaida is an obstacle to Brotherhood projects to control tribal areas.
The activists called on Marib tribes to protect their areas and not wait for the Brotherhood security forces to secure their areas so as to miss the opportunity of the conspirators, and not give them space to impose a new reality.