Houthi Summer Centers .. Extremist means & camps for militias' recruitment (1)
English - Saturday 13 July 2019 الساعة 06:57 pm
The state-run summer centers were one of the means to keep young people and students from being exposed to the influence of terrorist and extremist forces and groups, but during the era of the Houthi militias, they became one of the most prominent tools of the death industry, extremism and terrorism.
The Houthi militias speed up to set up summer centers in the capital Sana'a and other areas under the overall supervision of the Houthi militias leadership and their educational department, which carry out the ideological and extremist education of the Houthi gang.
From State supervisors to Houthi supervisors
Before the Houthi militias, the Higher Supervisory Committees for the summer centers were responsible for preparing and implementing summer centers that are approved by the government; now the Houthi militias set up an executive committee for these centers and appointed a leader of the militias, a member of the Shura Council appointed by the militias, as the head of this committee, which was entrusted with the task of preparation and supervision of the establishment of summer centers in the capital and other provinces controlled by the Houthi militias.
The committee, according to the sources, that spoke to NewsYemen, the process of contacting officials in the State institutions and forcing them to provide all the requirements related to the logistical and technical aspects; Moreover, summer centers are equipped with all facilities and equipment in coordination with the Education Department to send lecturers to these centers.
Sources confirm that the Houthi militias allocated huge sums of money to establish summer centers and distribute it through the Executive Committee of the militias' leader. The committee then mobilize youths and children to run courses.
According to the sources, the leaders of the militias Houthi allocated nearly half a billion riyals for the establishment of summer centers and for special activities; the militias leaders deducted those sums from the budgets allocated to the ministries of education, higher education, and technical education and vocational training. The militias leaders then transferred those amounts to a special account of the Executive Committee supervising the establishment of centers run by the leader Khalid al-Madani.
The Houthi militias used all the State institutions to set up the summer centers heavily. The Houthi militias recruited the provinces' governors, deputies of the Local Councils, mosques preachers and others to incite and push young people and youths to enroll in the summer centers.