Motions-Graphics : Sana'a ... Money in return of Fighting
English - Saturday 13 July 2019 الساعة 05:48 pm
Since its invasion Sana'a in 2014, the Houthi militias, the Iranian arm in Yemen, have been pursuing a systematic policy of impoverishment against Yemenis in areas they control.
The Houthi militias use the policy of impoverishment and starvation as weapons to avenge the group's opponents and also to subjugate the rest of the social classes within its sphere of influence.
Recent reports have revealed that the Houthi militias are bargaining with the poor for money, requiring them to send their children or sons to battlefields in return for giving them symbolic money or food aid from those who seize them.
The militias promise 'children of the poor' by granting them military ranks and high salaries, at a time when families reject, the militias terrorize the families to take their properties in case of their refusal.
NewsYemen channel on YouTube publishes a Motions-Graphics video, reviews the policies of impoverishment and starvation carried out by the militias against the citizens in their areas of control, and exploits them to force them to recruit their children at their ranks.