Brotherhood Authorities in Marib torture detainees over al-Manin incidents
English - Saturday 13 July 2019 الساعة 11:07 am
More than 20 detainees held by Brotherhood Authorities in Marib province demanded the National Committee to carry out investigations over human rights violations in al-Manin area in Marib.
Private sources told NewsYemen that members of the government committee carried out a field visit to inspect places of detention of the detainees in connection with the last events in al-Manin area in Marib so as to listen to their testimonies and facts reasons and their details.
The sources added that the Brotherhood authorities showed about 20 people, only of the detainees, while more than forty people were arrested.
The sources said that the detainees talked about serious violations committed against them, beginning with the storming of their houses last Friday, and terrorizing their children and women, and burning their farms and houses by gunmen belonging to the Islah party and the governor al-Eradah.
The detainees complained of looting their houses and taking them under the force of arms as well as were arrested and put at the Criminal Investigation Prison.
Detainees revealed that they were subjected to severe torture day and night, and pressured them to confess that they were Houthi gunmen and received Houthi support, threatening them with severe torture if they told the government committee what they had been subjected to in the past two days.