How did the Islah Party turn Taiz into a State Of Terrorism and Secret Prisons for Opponents?
English - Wednesday 10 July 2019 الساعة 08:20 pm
The Islah Party, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood group, runs secret prisons in the central city of Taiz, which has been established since 2016, and is used to detain anyone who violates the group's orientations
According to human rights reports, there are dozens of people who are being forcibly hidden in the secret prisons of Islah in Taiz
According to confirmed reports, over 40 people have been abducted, tortured and hidden in secret prisons in Taiz within three years, along with other hidden found dead at headquarters that were perceived as belonging to ISIS
As well, reports suggest that the majority of the crimes of abductions were carried out by the Military Police Unit and the 22nd Brigade Mika Pro-Islah Party
Here is a short motion video, showing how the Muslim Brotherhood turn Taiz into a State Of Terrorism and Secret Prisons for Opponents