How did the Houthi landmines turn Al Ramma in Mocha from a green oasis into a barren desert?
English - Tuesday 09 July 2019 الساعة 07:58 pm
Like many areas occupied by the Iran-backed Houthi militia and turned them into minefields, Ramma, considered for years the eastern paradise for Mocha due to its fertility and fresh water that homes to hundreds of farmers, became a barren desolate desert
The Iran-backed Houthi militia have planted thousands of mines of various types and stones in Ramma area located in the east of Mocha, forcing its estimated 1,500 residents to leave the region, which was famous for its green farms after dozens of casualties fell down
Since the liberation of Mocha until today, landmines in Ramma area have killed about 20 people and seriously injured dozens of others
The residents' fears forced them to flee and left behind some 100 farms they were lived on.
There are no signboards indicating the existence of mines except for signs of small stones painted in color and placed on both sides of the road to prevent them from reaching, but insufficient to alert visitors and strangers to the imminent dangers posed by Houthi landmines in the area
About two weeks ago, an anti-vehicle landmine exploded on a sandy road in the same area after its driver got out of the state road by about 50 cm, which meant that the mines were so heavily planted that impossible in the near term to be dismantled
Residents of Ramma pay a heavy price for their displacement in several cities and look hopefully to those who return to their homes and farmland, who have been forced to leave
The landmines are one of the worst remnants of the Houthi militias and will remain for years to come. Yemenis would never forget the equivalent of the sectarian gang that planted death in houses, roads and civilian fields in all the areas they passed