Teenager Ghazwan al-Mekhlafi humiliates all Taiz leadership inside their homes…
English - Tuesday 09 July 2019 الساعة 05:32 pm
Sadiq Sarhan imposes himself as a strong man of Taiz, passing even the influential Islahi man Abdo Farhan al-Mekhalfi known as " Salim, the responsible of the military wing for the Islah in Taiz province.
Sadiq Sarhan gets his strengths from the General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar. Sarhan's forces deployed on all the liberated squares in Taiz on the ground; and the most serious gangs of murder and looting through his support for those armed gangs like Ghazwan al-Mekhlafi, Ghadr and others. They move freely in Taiz city. They can also reach top army and security officers, including the local Authority in Taiz.
Yesterday, Sadiq Sarhan insulted two top local authority leaders, Dr. Abdulqawi al-Mekhlafi who is the Taiz first Undersecretary, the second Abdulkarim al-Sabri, Taiz Undersecretary for security and military affairs in a scene that is trampled on the Brotherhood lies in Taiz when they talked about a State.
Ghazwan al-Mekhlafi along with Ghadr and Bakr Sadiq Sarhan stormed the house of Sadiq al-Amiri, the chairman of the National Security Department in Taiz, who is the brother of Taiz Undersecretary the Major Abdulkarim al-Sabri, a responsible for security and army in Taiz.
The storm came to demand the release of a person who is wanted for security, who was arrested by the Islah forces, then later he was found in Taiz Military Axis as al-Amiri stated when they stormed his house.
The teenager Ghazwan al-Mekhlafi along with Bakr Sarhan humiliated the Intelligence, Local Authority, the Army and security in Taiz.
Sadiq Sarhan makes Ghazwan a whip or a tool use him to hit whomsoever and pleases or humiliates anyone who objects a claim without any regard for the State.
Before al-Amiri incident, the house of the 170th Air Defense commander Colo. Abdulaziz al-Majedi exposure to try to break into his house despite al-Majedi was at his house, there were casualties on both sides, the attack was ended under Brotherhood justification that Sadiq Sarhan does not need any to rule between him and the other party.
The State of Islah scandals humiliated military and security leaders, including Security director had announced that he could not capture Ghazwan because his area is located in contact lines with the Houthi militias.
Later, Ghazwan al-Mekhlafi appointed himself as the judge and Sheikh as well as an officer practices the role of the State; moreover, Fifty thousand soldiers could not approach him because he gets his power by Sadiq Sarhan.
The only campaign that broke the arrogance of Ghazwan is led by Colonel Adel al-Azi, the commander of al-Kadaha despite the forces of the 22nd Brigade fought alongside with Ghazwan without any Shame.
The main question is Could Taiz governor Nabil Shamsan return to Taiz city and practices his duty in his office in Jamal St.