While "Aden" was waiting to overthrow Houthi coup .. Legitimacy reinforces conflict Unity in South
English - Monday 08 July 2019 الساعة 07:08 pm
Since July 2015, which coincides with the liberation of Aden city from the Houthi militias, the south was eagerly awaiting to free and start the battle against the Houthi militias to liberate the northern provinces, in particular the Capital Sana'a.
To end the coup, away from the party and who will be the ruler and whether Yemen will return to a unified State or two States as it was in the past, and from the perspective of the south that the most important defense of the Yemeni land as a whole to defend the land and religion.
The Houthi invasion on the South will not be forgotten, in particular Aden city, Khur Maksar, Crater, Mualla, al-Mansura, al-Sheikh Othman in Aden province. Aden is the heart of the Southerners who came to defend their city and considered it red lines; and the result was a holocaust for the Houthi militias that they would never forget.
When the war ended and the battlefields eased, It was hoped at least to provide services so that Yemen could be fully liberated, it was hoped at least to provide services so that Yemen could be fully liberated. Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi did not meet his promise, the first shock was the ousted of Prime Minister Khalid Bahah and appointing Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr who, the second, was not desirable even for a period of time.
Not only Hadi appointed Ben Daghr as prime minister, but also appointed the General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar as his deputy. In fact, al-Ahmar was the great shock to the South that it could not absorb it until today. The South was waiting for Hadi's promise for a new reality and he did not want to previously consecrate unwanted war faces.
In spite of all this, the South hid its anger over these appointments and the governors of the southern provinces were calm down the street. However, Hadi's gifts to the South continued and began in 2017.
He ousted the Major General Aidarus al-Zoubaidi as the governor of Aden province , and Ahmed Lamlas as the governor of Shabwa province , Nasser al-Khubaji as the governor of Lahj province, and Fadel al-Ja'adi as the governor of al-Dhale' province.
A bitter reality was shown by Hadi. The Legitimacy conspires against the South and fights as well as excludes it. Hadi's government could not be able to rehabilitate a street destroyed by the war in the Southern provinces.
On the other hand, the former Prime Minister bin Daghr, in alliance with the Brotherhood in Yemen in Hadi's legitimacy, re-dedicated the struggle of unity and secession and enter the South in the circle of conflict away from the overthrow the Houthi coup that was hoped to defeat it.
Since then, Legitimacy has sought to consecrate conflicts in the South, away from overthrowing the Houthi coup, in clear evidence that the Legitimacy has no national objectives, but vague goals and serves Doha and Tehran.