Dead, prisoners take tests -- Houthi education ministry turns " Cheating" into annual course
English - Sunday 30 June 2019 الساعة 05:16 pm
A series of collectiv cheating incidents in the primary and secondary exams have been disclosed in the areas held by the Houthi militias.
Education employees said that the cheating phenomenon in the exams turned into an organized progress in the exams season, and was exercised by force and in front of everyone, under the influence of the Houthi militias, including the Capital Sana'a.
An employee at the Education ministry, who was appointed a supervisor for one of the Exams Center in Sa'awan district in the Capital, said he was sacked in the second day of the ministerial examination.
He added three other employees at the Education ministry were also sacked because they did not cooperate and did not give answers to high school students at the exam center.
He added in an interview with NewsYemen that the Houthis have allowed a number of teachers to enter to examinations halls, where students are associated with family and family ties with Houthi leaders and their gunmen, and forced the teachers to answer questions in the halls.
He pointed out there are other education employees were expelled by the Houthis and deprived them of their money allowances for the same reason.
"I was surprised that Houthis brought a list of 22 students and asked the committee members to take the exam instead of these names," said one of the education ministry's female teacher, who worked for the monitoring committees at an Exam Center in Shamlan area in Sana'a province.
She added " when we asked them about the status of these absentee students, the Houthis replied that some of them have been killed at military fronts, and wanted to be employed them by secondary school certificates so as to enable their families to receive monthly salaries."
She made it clear that " some names are missing , other are prisoners and fighters at the Houthi military fronts".
"Many students have largely failed to rely on their own efforts to solve the tests because they have become dependent on cheating and its various means," says teacher Ansaf al-Khawlani.
"I saw one of the Houthi supervisors at the Educational Centers, asking an educational observer to help a group of students (recruited by the militias) but the observer refused then the security guard of the Houthi supervisor take him out of the examination hall ," she said.