Resistance Forces crush Houthi attack in Baja front, kill dozens
English - Tuesday 18 June 2019 الساعة 04:32 pm
The Joint Forces and the Southern Resistance on Tuesday morning repulsed a large-scale sweep carried out by the Houthi militias on the outskirts of Baja-Hajr front northwest of al-Dhale' province.
The Joint Forces were able to break down and thwart the desperate Houthi attempts by mobilizing large forces to achieve any achievement or restore previously sites have been lost.
Four Houthi militias were killed Tuesday morning while they were trying to sneak into Habil al-Meryah parts in Hajr front in al-Dhale' province.
On the other hand, the Houthi militias targeted an Educational Center north of Qa'tabah, no causalities have been reported yet.