Islah smuggles al-Usbah brigade commander's killer into Houthis in al-Hawban area, Taiz
English - Monday 17 June 2019 الساعة 10:50 am
The Houthi TV channel, al-Masirah, showed a video record with the killer of al-Usbah brigade the Brigadier Redhwan al-Odaini, in a new scandal that reveals cooperation or a relation between the Houthi militias and the Islah Party in Taiz province.
Muneer al-Shaqdof appeared on al-Masirah channel attacking Abu al-Abbas, speaking about his relation with al-Qaeda and the handing over some of archaeology materials to al-Qaeda, and the burning the museum.
Al-Shaqdof was arrested by the Fifth Presidential Brigade, the Col. Adnan Ruzaiq the commander of the Brigade, who was handed him over to the Military Police prison in Taiz province.
Islah Party accused Abu al-Abbas of killing al-Odaini, the commander of al-Usbah brigade in Taiz, while the all, including the brigade commanders and al-Odaini's escorts know that al-Shaqdof is the killer of Redhwan al-Odaini.
Al-Odain launched a violent attack on the Islah party in Taiz in an interview with al-Ayyam newspaper shortly before his death.