Al-Alimi only has signs of UN guarantees over implementing al-Hodeida agreement!
English - Thursday 13 June 2019 الساعة 07:28 pm
The problem has never been the responsiveness of the Government and the presidency to the UN envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths in a positive and constructive manner. But in Griffith's himself in his mission in a non-constructive manner; he equates the government as the coup militias and vice versa, he equates the coup militias as the government.
On the other hand, the UN envoy adopts visions and options supporting the terms and conditions of the Houthi militias.
In a comic drama, Martin Griffiths adopts the Houthi unilateral withdrawal related to the delivery of seaports of al-Hodeida.
At the end, the Idea have been gotten by the UN Envoy for Yemen through largest and simultaneous support campaign in two days, Monday and Tuesday, by the President Hadi, Saudi Arabia and the GCC then the UN Security Council statement as it was written by Britain's UN representative.
Abdullah al-Alimi, the director of Presidency said on Twitter " President Hadi received guarantees from the UN secretary-general that the special envoy for Yemen would commit the three references, and ensure the implementation of al-Hodeida agreement properly".
There are no signs or hints for any guarantees in all media news, statements, and press conference of the United Nations and its platforms.
Al-Alimi has hints and signs of the UN guarantees that even the United Nations itself did not know about those guarantees.