Under the pretext of Abu al-Abbas, does the Brotherhood liberate Taiz city?
English - Sunday 05 May 2019 الساعة 04:50 pm
The Islah Party, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, has stalled and justified the liberation of Taiz city and went on saying "there are less weapons."
However, the Muslim Brotherhood took out the latest weapons during its war against the old city of Taiz after it seized them by the support of the Arab Coalition in the war against the Houthis.
The Islah Party also invoked the lack of fighters, while reports disclosed a number of soldiers, officers and other military ranks at Taiz military Axis that reached more than 40,000 along with an irregular militias formed by the Brotherhood in Taiz estimated at thousands.
The Brotherhood in Taiz city said the existence of Abu al-Abbas battalions or his members in the city prevented the liberation of the province.