Houthi militias move GPC detainees into solitary confinement at Political Security Department
English - Wednesday 17 April 2019 الساعة 11:17 am
Informed sources in the capital Sana'a said on Tuesday that the Houthi militias transferred a number of detainees, leaders and cadres of the General People's Congress, into a prison of the Political Security Department.
The sources said that the Preventive Security of the Houthi militias transferred 22 detainees, who were arrested without charges into the Political Security Prison and kept them in solitary confinement.
Although the Political Security Prison was allocated by the Political Security to imprison those accused of belonging to terrorist organizations, the Houthi militias turned it into a prison for the detainees of their opponents.
According to the sources, the Houthi militias refused to allow relatives for visiting, and just informed their families that they had been transferred them into to the Political Security Prison after they were in a prison in Dar Salm area.
Detainees of General People's Congress (GPC) leaders and cadres are subjected to torture by Houthi militias' investigators, who have been in detention for one and a half years, and rejected all mediations made by the leaders of the GPC to release them.
The armed militias held the full responsibility for any torture that detainees may be subjected.
It should be noted that the Houthi militias still hide the whereabouts of Mohammad Mohammad Abdullah Saleh and Affash Tariq Saleh, relatives of the martyr Ali Abdullah Saleh.