Russian astronaut captures Facebook image of Aden's Crater from space
English - Wednesday 17 April 2019 الساعة 09:06 am
A Russian astronaut Sergei Ryazansky posted on his Facebook page a stunning picture of the interim capital Aden, southern Yemen, in a new episode of a series of photos taken from space.
The Russian Ryazansky attached the picture with a brief historical brief explaining to his followers, briefly, the status of Aden in world civilization."
Aden is an important transit port in Yemen on the coast of the Arabian Sea," he said.
"Aden was founded in the era of ancient Greece, and one of the old areas is Crater, also Kraytar.
He added that the Crater is really grew up in an empty volcano at the top of Shamsan Mount, 'Crater', a round open top of a volcano.
Russian cosmonaut concluded: "Local myths say that this area , Crater, is the oldest area in the world, and that the tomb of Cain and Abel may be located nearby."