Popular Crowd militias arrest Nasserite leader in Taiz
English - Saturday 06 April 2019 الساعة 06:30 pm
The forces of the Popular Crowd of the Islah Party arrested on Saturday the Nasserite leader AbdulQawi Amin Sharaf after stopping al-Hujareyah masses and preventing them to enter Taiz city.
Al-Hanjar checkpoint of the Popular Crowd arrested the Nasserite Sharaf, and the checkpoint had a list of names to arrest them, Newsyemen sources said.
Al-Hanjar checkpoint prevented dozens of protesters to enter the city to participate in the demonstration taken place in Taiz city against violations of the militias of the Popular Crowd had made in the old city of Taiz.
Newsyemen correspondent said that hundreds of citizens had gathered in front of al-Hanjar checkpoint for preventing them to enter the beyond checkpoint, while gunmen in military uniforms attacked on protesters, firing live bullets in an attempt to intimidate them and terrorize the peaceful protesters.
The citizens resorted to organizing a stand in front of the checkpoint, condemning the violations of the Popular Crowd in old city and the province entrances.
They demanded the removal and held officers and officials accountable for their crimes and that complicit with perpetrators in killings innocent civilians in Taiz.